Sunil Patel
A farmer, permaculturalist, and a food and farming thought-leader, he’s studied natural farming methods and worked for farmers in California, West Virginia, New Jersey, and Oregon. Along the way, he’s collected many skills from growing 4-season biodynamic vegetables, to managing a grass-fed dairy herd, making artisanal raw milk cheese, baking for production in a commercial wood-fired oven, natural building, and helping maintain permaculture sites.
Hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, he managed a large CSA in central PA for the about 4 years. In that time, he expanded a quarter acre plot to a 12 acre working farm.
In January 2013, relocating to Asheville and transitioning from being Site Manager and Teaching Urban Farming at the Ashevillage Institute, he launched Patchwork Urban Farms in early 2014.